In terms of religion, the Romans believed in a polytheistic faith; the people recognised and worshipped multiple gods and goddesses. These supernatural being experiences were moulded into short narratives known collectively as Roman mythology. Roman deities and their linked myths were vital to ancient society, they presented educational teachings including the obedience of moral expectations, … Read more
In terms of religion, the Romans believed in a polytheistic faith; the people recognised and worshipped multiple gods and goddesses. These supernatural being experiences were moulded into short narratives known collectively as Roman mythology. Roman deities and their linked myths were vital to ancient society, they presented educational teachings including the obedience of moral expectations, … Read more
Military conquests and economic exchanges have been a catalyser in the diversification of the religious landscape of the Ancient Mediterranean region. Indeed, as cultures and religions met and travelled, they gave birth to new divinities, according to the phenomenon of syncretisation. These new divinities were a form of hybrids between already established gods and goddesses … Read more