The ‘Aphrodite Group’ of terracottas was a stylistic group which developed in the sixth Century BC in eastern Greece. The style was extremely popular, being widely exported and imitated across the Mediterranean. The drapery in which the figure is depicted was difficult to render, often causing much of the body shape to be concealed. This was used to an ideological advantage, however, with such figures considered to exhibit modesty and dignity. The woman is shown holding a bird (a symbol of death in a great deal of Greek art) in one hand to the middle of her chest. This particular form with the bird was developed around 550 BC, and enjoyed popularity for a longer period than other standing types. The distinctive style gives us a terminus post quem for this particular figure.
To find out more about votive offerings in Classical Times please see our relevant blog post: Ancient Greek Votive Offerings in Antiquity: Gifts to the Gods.