Ancient Roman Dimpled Glass Juglet


An Ancient Roman glass juglet made from pale green glass with beautiful iridescence covering the majority of the surface. The vessel features a tapering body with three rows of dimples beneath the shoulder and one row across the concave base. The narrow neck opens at the top into a funnel-shaped mouth with a tubular rim. A single handle in dark blue glass has been applied to the shoulder, then drawn up and wrapped around the neck to form a trailing decoration. An attractive multi-coloured iridescence covers the juglet.

Date: Circa 3rd-4th century AD
Condition: Fine condition.

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Many items of ancient glassware were designed for tableware use, in particular for carrying and serving water and wine at banquets. Jugs, like this example, were one of the most frequently used containers, and existed in different dimensions and shapes.

The variety of shapes and sizes seen in ancient glassware was achieved through the technique of glassblowing, which by the 1st century AD had revolutionised the art of glassmaking. It allowed for easier manipulation of the glass, but also for a quicker paced production, as the hot glass would be blown into a mould and then removed whilst still hot so that the glass maker could still work on it. Different minerals were added to create a variety of colours; the green tint seen in this piece would have been created by adding copper and changing the oxygen levels. The iridescence on ancient Roman glass was unintentional, and was caused by weathering on its surface. The extent to which a glass object weathers depends mainly on the burial conditions; however, the humidity, heat, and type of soil in which the glass was buried also all affect its preservation.

To find out more about Roman glass please see our relevant blog post: Ancient Roman Glass and Collecting Roman Glass.

Weight 31.8 g
Dimensions H 10.5 cm




Reference: For a similar itemThe British Museum, item 1985,0306.1

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