Ancient Egyptian Carnelian Heart Amulet


An exceptional, large Egyptian carnelian amulet, finely carved in the shape of a heart. Taking the form of a jar, the amulet features a rounded triangular body, slightly convex in profile. Two pointed lug handles protrude from either side. To the top is a rectangular lid surmounted by a tubular knob, decorated with a central groove and pierced horizontally for suspension. The translucent carnelian displays alluring veins in varying hues of orange and red, showcasing the natural beauty of the semi-precious stone.

Date: Circa 1550-1070 BC
Period: New Kingdom Period
Provenance: From an early 20th Century UK collection.
Condition: Very fine condition.


SKU: CY-211 Category: Tag:

To the ancient Egyptians, the heart (ib) was the most important of organs. They believed it to be the organ responsible for all human thought, feeling and interaction. Thus, it was the heart that was weighed and measured against the feather of Maat in the ‘Weighing of the heart ceremony’, which determined the worthiness of the individual and if they could proceed to the Egyptian paradise. It was also the only organ to be left within the deceased when they died. The importance of the heart can be seen from the number of passages within the Book of the Dead. Chapter 29b specifically mentions the use of a heart shaped amulet, of sehert-stone (carnelian). Whilst carnelian heart amulets were the most popular, other materials were also used. Other red stones such as jasper and granite, as well as green feldspar and blue lapis lazuli. Green was a colour associated with new vegetation and new life, whilst blue was association with the reviving waters of the Nile. Hardstones were also preferable as they had connotations of lasting for eternity.

To find out more about Ancient Egyptian amulets please see our relevant blog post: Egyptian Amulets and their Meanings.

Weight 5.15 g
Dimensions W 2.1 x H 2.5 cm


Semi-Precious Stones

Reference: For a similar item,National Museums Liverpool, item M11957i

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