Ancient Egyptian Gold Vulture Amulet

£ 495.00

An ancient Egyptian gold miniature amuletic pendant depicting a vulture, modelled in the round. The vulture is strikingly realistic, with a streamlined and elongated body, and an extended tail. The wings are particularly detailed, with individual feathers visible in the rendering of the gold. The head is slightly oversized, and the beak appears shorter than it may have originally been. The body of the animal is perforated longitudinally for suspension.

Date: Circa 664-332 BC
Period: Late Period
Provenance: Acquired on the French art market in the early 20th century.
Condition: Fine condition with some natural encrustations to the surface.


SKU: CY-65 Category: Tags: ,

Amulets held different meanings, depending on their type or form. Small amulets depicting gods and goddesses seem to have induced the protective powers of the deity. On the other hand, small representations of anatomical features or creatures suggest that the wearer required protection over a specific body part, or that he/she desired the skills of a particular animal. Amulets depicting animals were very common in the Old Kingdom Period, whilst representations of deities gained popularity in the Middle Kingdom.

The vulture was a sacred bird, emblematic of the goddess Mut. She is often depicted wearing the feathers of a vulture as a headdress or as wings at her back. She was a principle deity, wife of the solar-god Amun and thus labelled as the mother of all gods. She is often seen wearing the double grown of Egypt, showing her unification of the land. In vulture form however, she was also associated with Nekhbet; the patron deity of Upper Egypt who was also represented as a vulture.

To find out more about Ancient Egyptian amulets please see our relevant blog post: Egyptian Amulets and their Meanings: Ancient Egyptian Gods.

Weight 0.87 g
Dimensions L 1 x W 0.9 cm

Egyptian Mythology




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