Lotus flowers were very popular among the Egyptians and were frequently found in households and gardens. The lotus flower held strong symbolisation, as white lotus flowers opened during the day and closed at night representing rebirth and creation while blue lotus flowers opened at night and closed during the day representing the renewal of life. The flower was very precious to Egyptians, they were given as offering to the gods and in religious ceremonies. Through Egyptian art, the lotus is incorporated in many scenes of mythology and legends. For example, the Book of the Dead presents the large flower in between the gods Ra Atum and Ammit. The lotus was often depicted in the god of healing, Nefertem’s crown and in relating imagery with Osiris, the god of the underworld, strengthening the symbolisation rebirth. The flower was an important symbol during Egyptian culture.
To find out more about Ancient Egyptian amulets please see our relevant blog post: Egyptian Amulets and their Meanings.