Faience is a glazed ceramic known for producing bright colours, especially blues, turquoises and greens. It is produced from quartz or sand crystals mixed with other compounds and can be cast into moulds to create beads or amulets like these ones. Faience gimmers in the light and was believed by the Egyptians to represent rebirth and immortality. The colours had different symbolisms for example, blue was thought to reflect fertility and life. However, faience was not just manufactured into amulets and jewellery, the substance was used to create scarabs, furniture and cups.
For the Egyptians, the colour green was symbolic of new life. Olivine and feldspar were precious stones used for expensive amulets, as their vivid colourations imbued both the amulet and the wearer with apotropaic properties. Faience, with its bright green and blue hues, was often used as a more affordable alternative.