Romano-British Bronze Aucissa Type Fibula

£ 75.00

A fine Romano-British Aucissa fibula cast from bronze. The highly arched bow features a raised central knurled rib narrowing to a point at the foot. The original pin is attached through the bronze knob at the head of the brooch, only one knob now remains. The pin sits in the lateral perforation of the catch plate, still movable. It is likely this style brooch travelled over to Britain just before or during the Roman invasion.

Date: Circa 1st century AD
Provenance: Ex major Spanish collection collected 1970-2000.
Condition: Fine condition, slight bend to one of the protruding sides of the head.


SKU: LD-279 Category: Tag:

Fibulae or brooches were originally used in Ancient Greece and in the Roman Empire for fastening garments, such as cloaks or togae. The fibula designs developed into a variety of shapes, but all were based on the safety-pin principle. The Aucissa fibula originated from the Gaul region and spread into Britain with the Roman occupation. Many recovered Aucissa fibulae have the word “AVCISSA” incised to the head, hence the label, and thought to be the name of a workshop where many were produced. Other examples found do feature other decoration, including incised linear or zig-zag motifs. The popularity and use declines from around AD 60, although British workshops did also imitate the type. This particular example, whilst not being stamped with the ‘AVCISSA’ makers mark is a particularly fine example. It has been documented as a river find, so possibly the Thames.

Weight 14.8 g
Dimensions L 6.2 x H 3.2 cm




Reference: For a similar item,The Metropolitan Museum, item 96.9.318