Romano-British Bronze Horse Brooch


A Romano-British bronze brooch, designed in the round to represent a horse. The body is formed from an elongated triangular shape and diagonally angled. The front of the body leads to the wide-set, arched neck of the horse, which in turn descends into the narrow head. Two small, perked ears point forward, whilst linear notches mark the mane. Ridges on the horse’s head indicate the muzzle. The body leads to a pair of triangular-shaped legs, at either end, attached to the plate catch and hinge beneath. The tail, originally a short stub, has now worn down further. Concentric circles decorate the body at one end, with a band of linear incisions, possible marking the tack of the animal.

The original pin and clasp still remain, with the former designed from a coiled spring. Under the front legs of the horse is a curled hook which the thin point of the pin is now encased in. The metal is well polished with a slight slivering to the neck and curved back of the horse.

Date: Circa 1st - 3rd century AD
Condition: Excellent. Well polished with only slight discolouration and stiffness on hinges.


SKU: AH-1114 Category: Tags: , ,

Brooches were used as practical accessories to help keep cloaks, trousers and other pieces of clothing fastened. The accessories were status symbols with many brooches being made of expensive materials. The more elaborate the deign also indicated the status of the wearer. These kinds of zoomorphic brooches were commonly found in Roman providences with the inspiration coming from British styles. The horse within Roman design is thought to be one of the animals to represent the Roman Empire as the animal was essential to the Roman military. The horse was a regularly used emblem in art, thought to be a symbol of victory, power and pride.

For more information on ancient Roman animal symbolism, please see our blog post: Animal Symbolism in Roman Art

Weight 9.68 g
Dimensions L 3.1 x H 2.6 cm





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