Hadrian Silver Denarius Pendant


A silver pendant featuring a silver denarius issued under the Roman Emperor Hadrian. The coin is set in a modern silver frame, with a loop attached at the top for suspension. The front of the pendant features the coin’s observe, which depicts the laureate head of Hadrian, facing right. The Latin inscription HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS P P is written on the front surrounding Hadrian’s head. Augustus refers to the title given to Emperor’s and Empresses, whilst P.P. is the abbreviation for ‘Pater Patriae’, ‘Father of the country’. The latter was an immensely important title and held great esteem. The reverse of the coin displays Pudicitia, personified as a veiled woman, enthroned to the left. Pudicitia could be translated as ‘modesty’ or ‘virtue’, the proper way to conduct oneself. The latin inscription COS III is featured on the reverse. COS refers to the Roman ‘Consul’, the head of the Senate. The Roman numerals refer to the number of times the Emperor held the position of ‘consul’; in this case three.

The frame displays a London hallmark and an inscribed 925 at the rear, hand crafted by a Hatton Garden jeweller.

Please be aware the chain is for reference only, we do have chains available upon enquiry.

Date: Circa AD 128
Condition: Very fine condition. Suitable for modern wear.


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Hadrian was emperor of Rome from AD 117 to 138. As the only male relative, a cousin once-removed, of the Emperor Trajan, he was a prime candidate for the position of successor. He was formaly adopted on Trajan’s deathbed and recognised by the army in Syria as Emperor. The Senate’s acceptance followed after. Hadrian is recognised as the third of the Five Good Emperors, having a successful reign of 40 years. His reign marks the height of the Roman Empire, both in economic policies and literature. He was a keen soldier, pushing for rigorous army training and prowess. Unlike most Emperors, Hadrian travelled extensively, managing to visit almost every province of the Roman Empire. Along the way he pushed for large-scale building works and the general improvement of life for people living in such provinces. The strength of his reach and commitment to his regional subjects can probably be best exemplified in the infamous Hadrian’s Wall. Hadrian was not only a military man but gifted in the arts. He was a keen public speaker, poet and architect. In the latter he certainly made his mark and many of Rome’s famous architectural monuments owe their design to the Emperor.

Weight 4.6 g
Dimensions L 2.6 x W 1.9 cm



Roman Emperors

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