Medieval Gold Repoussé Pendant

£ 300.00

A delicate Medieval gold sheet pendant featuring a decorative cross motif. Made from a single piece of hammered gold, the pendant features a teardrop-shaped body tapering at its top to form a suspension loop. A repousse cross, consisting of four impressed dots, decorates the body. The reverse is undecorated but clearly shows the repousse technique.

Date: Circa 13th - 15th Century AD
Provenance: Formerly from a late Japanese gentleman's collection, 1970-2010.
Condition: Fine condition with signs of ageing.

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SKU: AH-966 Category: Tags: ,

The repoussé technique, which was in use since Greek and Roman times, allows one to create a pattern with metalwork by hammering the reverse to produce a design in low relief. A variety of different metals were used such as silver, bronze, copper or gold, much like this beautiful example, to embellish vessels, ornaments and jewellery.

Weight 0.29 g
Dimensions L 1.5 x W 0.7 cm



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