Viking Elf Shot Pendant with Light Blue Glass

£ 425.00

A beautifully rendered Viking pendant, comprised of a thin bell-shaped gold mount which holds a light blue transluscent glass bead. A gold pin hangs from the pendant decorated with a gold ribbed bead, added in antiquity. Attached to the top is a loop for suspension. Pendants of this type were known as elf shot pendant and would have been worn by both Viking men and women with apotropaic meanings.

Date: Circa 9th - 11th Century AD
Condition: Fine condition with some damage to the gold sleeve on one side


SKU: SK-05 Category: Tag:

Both Viking men and women enjoyed wearing jewellery as an indicator of wealth and social status, wearing these pieces kept their wealth safe and secure. Jewellery held a second purpose; most Vikings would have preferred their jewellery to have been made from precious metals with the intention to be used as a currency for trade. Depending on the transaction, jewellery may have been broken up to accommodate for a more appropriate price/deal.

Pendants and amulets also held spiritual connections and were said to have bestowed the owner with protection and support such as the popular amulet of Thor’s Hammer. Elf Shot pendants, such as this example, were worn to warn off invisible elves from shooting arrows to people or animals, resulting in internal shooting pains including cramping and arthritis. It was believed that men shot by these invisible arrows would not recover and soon die. There would be no physical evidence of the wounds on the skin resulting in the theory of the elves and arrows to be more credible. Therefore, pendants were highly valued for the protection granted to their owners.

Weight 0.98 g
Dimensions L 3 x W 1.8 cm



