Western Asiatic Electrum Pendant with Granules


A very fine Western Asiatic pendant with an electrum body, gold hoop, and granule decoration. This piece would originally have been a single earring which has been transformed, at some point in antiquity, into a pendant by the addition of a gold wire suspension loop. The main body of the pendant is formed of a triangular arrangement of electrum granules, each with a further miniature granule situated on both the front and back. The top of the triangle leads into a cylindrical stem with two concave discs attached at the base. These may have once held a semi-precious stone. At the top of the stem is another single granule and then a small twisted section where the gold wire hoop has been attached.

Date: Circa 1000 BC
Provenance: Ex S.M. Collection, London, 1970-1999.
Condition: Excellent Condition. There's some earthly residue in the crevices around the granules. This piece is suitable for modern wear with care.


SKU: MJ-79 Category: Tag:

Many grand civilizations inhabited the area of Western Asia in Antiquity, and their wealth and prosperity are witnessed by the very sophisticated precious metal crafting of jewellery. Different metals could be hammered down to a thin layer and manipulated into a variety of forms and shapes. Gold, silver, and electrum jewellery would have featured granules, glass and semi-precious stone inlays and detailed engravings. Very fine granulation, as we can see on this item, along with filigree, were at the centre of Near Eastern and Western Asiatic jewellery production and were later adopted by the Greeks, Etruscans and Romans.

To discover more about gemstones in Antiquity, please visit our relevant blog post: The History and Mythology of Jewellery in Antiquity.

Weight 1.3 g
Dimensions L 1.9 x W 1.0 cm



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