Western Asiatic Gold Pendant with Carnelian and Glass Beads


A fine Western Asiatic gold pendant featuring a penannular hoop at the centre which taper to a point at the end and overlap. A round gold bezel is attached to the bottom of the hoop, holding a carnelian with a hole pierced through the centre, suggesting that it was once a bead, perhaps on a different piece, and was reset in antiquity. The pendant is further embellished by two glass beads, one dark blue and one light green on either side of the gold bezel. A gold loop has been attached in antiquity to the top of the pendant for suspension.

Date: Circa 1st Millenium BC - 1st Millenium AD
Provenance: Ex Japanese private collection, 1970-2010. Deceased.
Condition: Fine condition. Some encrustations visible to the surface.


SKU: CF-43 Category: Tag:

Jewellery is thought to be one of the oldest forms of art within history, with the presence of rings, bangles and necklaces being present in almost all ancient societies. Many grand civilisations inhabited the area of Western Asia in Antiquity, and their wealth and prosperity is witnessed by the very sophisticated, interesting, and unique styles of jewellery discovered in the area. Precious metals, such as gold, silver, and electrum, along with gemstones and other semi-precious stones, like lapis lazuli, agate and carnelian, were popular materials in Western Asiatic jewellery, showing off the wearer’s wealth and social status. Necklaces, rings, earrings and bracelets were worn not only in everyday life but were also buried with the deceased.


Weight 0.99 g
Dimensions L 2.3 x W 1.3 cm



Semi-Precious Stones


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