Ancient Egyptian amulets were not only ornamental but also considered to bestow power and protection upon the wearer. Many of the amulets have been found inside the wrappings of mummies, as they were used to prepare the deceased for the afterlife. Amulets held different meanings, depending on their type or form. Small amulets depicting gods and goddesses seem to have induced the protective powers of the deity. On the other hand, small representations of anatomical features or creatures suggest that the wearer required protection over a specific body part, or that he/she desired the skills of a particular animal. Amulets depicting animals were often associated with a particular god or goddess and the properties they possessed.
To ancient Egyptians, the frog was a symbol of fertility and life. The frog, associated with the life-giving role of the Nile, became a consistent symbol in ancient Egyptian culture, depicted since the predynastic period. The Egyptians also associated many gods such as Ptah, Heh, Kek and Heqet to it. Most notable was Heqet, a fertility goddess also associated with Hathor. Ancient Egyptians also associated frogs with the resurrection and rebirth for frogs hibernate during winter, taking on an almost dead state, then become active again in spring. The frog continued to be a symbol of resurrection even during Egypt’s Coptic period, when the ancient Egyptian religion started to give way to Christianity.
To find out more about Ancient Egyptian amulets please see our relevant blog post: Egyptian Amulets and their Meanings.