Byzantine Bronze Ring with Rectangular Epigraphic Bezel

£ 55.00

A fine Byzantine bronze ring featuring an epigraphic engraving to the bezel. The loop of the ring features a subtly triangular shape, with slightly pointed shoulders and base. The thickness varies throughout and widens towards the bezel. The bezel itself is rectangular in shape, situated vertically to the loop, and features an engraved epigram of short, overlapping incisions surrounded by dots. The epigram likely depicts a monogram on a cross, or could even be a stylised version of the ‘Chi Rho’ epigram, constructed from the Greek letters Χ and Ρ respectively, the initial letters of Christ’s name in Greek, Christos, ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ. Monograms shaped around a cross have strong precedence in Byzantine engravings. The ring features a lovely dark patination and some minor wear to the surface consistent with age.

Closest UK Ring Size: P

Date: Circa 4th-6th Century AD
Condition: Very good. Some minor wear to the surface.


SKU: KW-108 Category: Tags: ,

Byzantine jewellery was a full continuation of the Roman traditions. Production in the old jewellery centres of Alexandria and Antioch gave way to an increased production in Constantinople. In the Byzantine Empire jewellery played an important role. It acted as a way to express ones status and as a diplomatic tool. The Church Fathers, such as Clement of Alexandria, discouraged the wearing of any jewellery at all. However, they did permit Christians to wear one ring: rings with the seal of a family, a wedding ring, or rings bearing Christian symbols and inscriptions were deemed acceptable.

To discover more about Byzantine jewellery, please visit our relevant blog post: The Byzantine Empire, Art and Christianity.

Weight 4.70 g
Dimensions W 1.9 cm



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