Egyptian Hyksos Period Scarab Swivel Ring

£ 550.00

An ancient Egyptian bronze swivel ring  set with a steatite scarab from the Hyksos period. The obverse is simple in nature, with a vaguely moulded shape to the clypeus and head. Incised indentations mark the humeral callosities. The reverse features deeply incised markings, detailing a hawk-headed figure, dressed in a kilt, facing an undulating ureaus. The figure stands on a large basket ‘neb’ hieroglyph. The inclusion of a falcon-headed figure most likely alludes to the Egyptian god Horus.

Measurements given below are the external width of the band. Length measures from one edge of the scarab to the external edge of the band.

Date: Circa 1750–1550 BC
Period: Late Middle Kingdom - Second Intermediate Period
Provenance: Ex private UK collection, Mr. DP, formerly acquired from a London dealership, BL, from 2004-2012.
Condition: Very fine condition. Some encrustation to the band, scarab still swivels.


SKU: AH-1157 Category: Tags: , , , ,

The scarab beetle was an exceedingly popular symbol in the art of Ancient Egypt, thought to represent the sun god, Ra. The Ancient Egyptians believed that the scarab beetle rolling its ball of dung across the desert mirrored the journey of the sun across the sky from day to night. As the beetle laid its eggs within the dung, it became a symbol of rebirth and regeneration.

The term ‘Hyksos’ can be traced back to the Egyptian expression ‘heka khasewet’, which means, “rulers of foreign lands”. The Hyksos of the fifteenth Dynasty of Egypt, ruling during the Second Intermediate Period, were thus of non-Egyptian origin. They were probably Canaanite, and one tends to find the names of rulers on their scarabs. The Hyksos Kingdom was centred in the eastern Nile Delta and Middle Egypt. It was limited in size, never extending south into Upper Egypt, and it had Memphis as its capital.

To find out more about Ancient Egyptian amulets please see our relevant blog post: Egyptian Amulets and their Meanings. 

Weight 7.70 g
Dimensions L 3.6 x W 3 cm

Egyptian Mythology




Reference: For similar: The Isreal Museum, Jerusalem, item 76.31.2889