Selection of Anatolian Bronze Arrowheads

A selection of extremely fine Anatolian cast bronze socketed trilobate arrowheads. Trilobate arrows were widely used for their armour-piercing qualities and light weight, which permitted a more portable bow. Arrowheads of this type have been recovered across all the Anatolian and North Euphrates region, with similar examples recovered in  also in Greek and Achaemenid settlements and graves.

Date: Circa 10th-7th Century BC
Condition: Very fine, some earthly encrustations on the surface.

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Anatolia, also known in antiquity as Asia Minor, was located in the Anatolian Peninsula, part of modern Turkey today. It is one of the first regions to have boasted bronze production, much like Luristan culture, which was located in modern day-Iran. Arrowheads of similar style were popular across Transcaucasian civilisations, dating from the 1st millennium onwards, and have been recovered in burials’ excavations.

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