Egyptian Gold Repoussé Section with Gods


A stunning rectangular gold repoussé section, depicting two figures both looking to the right. The most prominent figure is a falcon-headed god, most probably Horus, holding a staff or a sword. To his left is another female figure,  standing with her arms outstretched towards Horus, in a pose of adoration or reverence.Considering this scene focus on Horus, the female figure is most likely Isis.

The repoussé comes with a modern membranous frame for display.

Weight of the repoussé piece without the frame: 0.32 g

Dimensions of the repoussé piece without the frame: c. H 2cm x W 2.8cm

Date: Circa 500 BC
Period: Late Period
Provenance: From a Spanish collection, formerly with a German dealership in the 1980s.
Condition: Very fine condition, with surface patination and encrustation in some areas.


The falcon figure represented is most likely the god Horus. Horus was depicted as two deities; Horus the Elder and Horus the Younger. Horus the Elder was considered the god of the sky and the son of Geb, Earth and Nut, Sky. As a god, he was associated with both the sun and the moon. Horus the Younger was the son of Osiris and Isis, he too was associated with the sky, sun and the moon. He was the protector of Egypt’s royalty and defender of order, uniter of the two lands (lower and upper Egypt). Over time, both Horus deities were merged with Ra, the sun god, and represented as a falcon headed man bearing the sun disk and the crown of upper and lower Egypt.

Repoussé is a metalwork technique which involves shaping very thin, malleable metal from the reverse, in order to create a design in low relief. It was a technique used even in ancient times to create delicate gold, and silverware.

Weight 23.19 g
Dimensions L 6.8 x W 6.8 cm

Egyptian Mythology




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