Roman Bronze Vespasian Mount


A fine Roman protome cast from bronze featuring the Flavian Emperor Vespasian. The piece displays the frontal bust of the emperor with his facial features naturalistically rendered. He is wearing an exomis which is draped over his left shoulder. A large suspension loop has been added to the top and the reverse is plain and concave.

Date: Late 1st century AD
Provenance: Acquired 1969-1999. London collection of the late SM, thence by descent.
Condition: Very fine condition, earthly encrustation to the surface.


Emperor Vespasian reigned between 69 to 79 AD, he founded the Flavian dynasty from which his sons, Titus and Domitian, continued. This dynasty ruled the empire for 27 years. Vespasian was the son of Flavius Sabinus, a knight and a former a tax collector, and Vespasia Polla, who was part of the equestrian order. He had served in the military, reaching praetorship, and participated in the Senate before ruling. Vespasian had a very accomplished early career, becoming a quaestor in Crete and partaking in 30 battle allowing him to capture ’20 towns’ during the invasion of Britain. This granted him many honours which lead him to become consul. He later became Emperor, the last of the four during the year 69 AD. Vespasian was well liked and his rule was seen as peaceful. He managed to restore morale to the army and built many homes and temples including the Colosseum.

Weight 52.8 g
Dimensions W 3.6 x H 6.1 cm



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